
Champorado (also known as Tsampurado or in Spanish Champurrado) is a sweet chocolate rice porridge in Philippine cuisine. It is traditionally made by boiling sticky rice with cocoa powder, giving it a distinctly brown color and usually with milk and sugar to make it taste sweeter. However, dry Champorado mixes are prepared by just adding boiling water. It can be served hot or cold and with milk and sugar to taste. It is served usually at breakfast and sometimes together with salty dried fish locally known as tuyo.


champorado and tuyo

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The pudding becomes very thick and the lighter milk helps to "loosen" it. It's almost like eating "chocolate oatmeal". It can be eaten as a snack or dessert as well.


Its history can be traced back from Mexico. During the galleon trade between Mexico and the Philippines, there were Mexican traders who stayed in the Philippines and brought with them the knowledge of making Champorado (this is also the reason why there is Tuba in Mexico). Through the years, the recipe changed; Filipinos eventually found ways to make the Mexican Champorado Philippine Champorado by adding rice.


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